Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ummu Hani

I didn't looked at her, everyone knew her traits. But i look from a different perspectives. Her Father. His shouting and crying so bad. His daughter is physically challenged from that on. Its dead touching to see a man cried that hard. Is it normal? Why not her mother's the one who's shouting around like crazy? Why should be him? Some man, huh? This guy really focusing on his family 'future' until he neglected the needs of his daughter when she's in pain. He took it lightly. This is the result. All work and no fun. He should be sorry and been put at blame of the lost of her daughter eyesight. Because he takes thing lightly. Where he shouldn't. He should bring her for check up earlier. Not after she's fainted. Seriously man, don't take anything lightly of your love ones. Or end up losing. That's cry of a looser. What a pity. And, I think all men, if not all, small portion of it, takes ting lightly, like him, like me. Those your loves need concerned, need touch, need care, not only stability, not only afford-ability. Future can wait, current need to take seriously too.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


HECDARNTIC! Thats the terminology popup from my head to describe my daily routine since moving on. I guess thats what you get when you ask too much. I felt lucky because Darl is there, she help me ease the weight, but yet, still, i'm burdened. In this new home (if i may called that home) there is only one thing that I'm blessed to be good at, I think, but still, i play catch up. Acronym. Everything is coded. Everything is shorthanded. One thing for sure, there are so many things to do, but, I don't know where to begin with. I just play consumed the thing that is on desk, and try not to leeway around much. This new home is not the kind of place i dreamed of because theres to much food, literary, TOO MUCH! The supply really exceed demand. This is bad for my waist as it grows rapidly then ever. I love the people, hope they love me too. I tried so hard to blend. Hope they can accept me in the family. Fuhh. I'm at the state where my scapula, shoulders and vertebrate all at sore. Hope to get off with this transition as quickly as i can. Not to impressed, just to complete my test. Cream of the cream they said. But i don't really think so. I just wanted to live my life to the fullest and boom my potential, if there's any.