Its 7 Eid maybe. Not so normal working days as not everyone appeared at the partition. And me, still not in the mood for any head-working. my head is burning. Swings. Could not focus. Is it because what i did this morning? it just a slow jog, even though its 6 in the morning. my body felt worked. Good. Sweat. But my head, right after i reached home, i felt something wasn't right. It's usually lasted for hours, but this, its already the whole day at the office. I felt like eating everything , anything on the plate. But, it'll disturbed my so called diet deal with my homie-lovely. It just started la dol! Give my jaw a chance to have some crunch-less morning. maybe my head could not accept what i did this morning or to my jaw. Maybe the brain just could not processed my sweat-full morning and rice-less lunch.
Or maybe, a big maybe, the three musketeers of Cerebrum, cerebellum and the medulla oblongata, just need RICE to operate, coz i'm MALAYSIAN! aduh, sakit kepalaku!