Come of late, I quite frequently be at this state, a state where, bank account that show withdrawal limits, yet, my shopping list keep on growing. Why is that? I don't know. Maybe its a sign of aging. Like wrinkle, the line appears to be numbered and countless each day, even with the most expensive of soap we put on. I know, I'm not the only one, each one of us has been, recently, or currently, at the moment, experiencing the same exact phenomena. It is good to be rich. You don't have to think about tomorrow. But, there's no thrill to that. Work something out. It'll come. Patient is key. (SODAPKAN HATI JO!)

I admit, this is not far to catch, yet, I need to think about tomorrow. Why? Because I don't have a bank which won't show my withdrawal limits. But its OK. This is not far. Not too far. Not that far. Just within range. Just.
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