Its a habit maybe. Or its just me destined to be like that. Every now and then, my dreams vapors just like that, even how many times I try to create it. Maybe I need to be extra firm in making decision and taking risk. Or otherwise, I'll let more people stumping on my forehead and get past through me easily. I can be very pushy to others, asking them to bought me this and that, and yet, there is no togetherness involves, not at all. Maybe some. But this time, I really want this, let it be bankruptcy to my name soon, but i need to have this. Something, i think, i shared a common interest. The trigger is there, the target is locked, but the will to pulled it, to share the same commitment and liability wasn't like what is drafted. I need to take something new for a change. Alone. Better off, then being hold back with uncertainties. I want to wake up, i'm tired sleeping, before its evening, and my head spinning, I better get off and turns thing right.
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